Keurig Manuals – Quick Start Guides

Your introduction to using your Keurig …

Keurig has had a major upgrade to their website, which has coincided with the launch of their new Keurig 2.0 brewing systems. We have a separate article looking at this and some of the problems or issues this will raise for the many faithful Keurig users out their with “older” machines.

As part of the upgrade to their website Keurig has taken the decision to take down ALL of their Quick Start Guides for their older machines … well not quite all, you can still access the K10 and and K45 guides, but that is all. So the library we have below is now one of the few places on the net you can now find most of the older manuals. Why Keurig has taken them down from their site? We’ll let you work that one out.

Now back to the Keurig manuals. We have put together a table below from which you can access the appropriate manual for your model of Keurig; these manuals use to be straight from Keurig themselves; but now we have uploaded them to our server so we don’t lose them again. We have included them at in case you need them for any of the issues we have covered or if you would just like an electronic copy to keep on hand. We know how easy it is for those paper versions to go missing or get rather tattered over the years.

As as aside, something we have found can make a difference to how reliable a Keurig is and does impact on the quality of the coffee produced is cleaning of the machine. We have found this very much with the process of descaling and do recommend this is done every three months or so. Keurig themselves recommend this is done at least every six months; but if you are a regular user of your brewer we find this isn’t frequent enough. If you would like further details on the descaling processes check out our section which deals with this over here.

The Keurig Manuals, they call them Quick Start Guides, are a very brief introduction to using your Keurig and they are set out in simple to understand diagrams and text. If you would like the full user manual then please go to our other section here Keurig Manuals – Use and Care.

If we have missed out on your particular model, and we have tried to cover all of the popular ones, then do drop us a line and we can see if we can put this up on the site or send directly to you. You can get hold of us by clicking here or the Contact Us from the sidebar menu on the right.

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