Replacing the Keurig Water Filter

And installing it correctly …

We previously had quite a short guide on how to place or replace a water filter on your Keurig machine. Having looked through it again it wasn’t very good and so we thought a more comprehensive guide is what is required.

In the following five steps we tell you all you need to know to make sure you install the filter correctly – you would be surprised what some people get up to! Total install time is about 7 minutes.

Step 1

Get the filter unit and filter out of its pack and layout what you have. For this demonstration we are using our trusty B60 (with the odd shot and mention of differences with the new Keurig 2.0 machines).


Step 2

The next step is to wash both the filter housing and the filter itself. Once the filter is washed soak it for a good five minutes in fresh clean water.


keurig_b60_filter_base_being_washed keurig_filter_being_washed keurig_filter_soaking

Step 3

Once the housing is washed place it on a soft towel and wait for the filter to be soaked for 5 minutes. Next place all of the pieces together, with the filter going into the housing base and then housing tower placed on top.

keurig_b60_cleaned_filter_pack keurig_b60_filter_housing_being_assembled keurig_b60_filter_housing_assembled

Step 4

We now need to set the date stamp that sits on top of the housing: generally we use two months on ours.


Step 5

With all of that set we now have to place the housing into the water reservoir. Looking down into reservoir you will see the mount the housing has to sit on. You don’t need to press down to hard, but a firm placement to ensure it clicks in will keep it moving when you take the reservoir off for replenishing and cleaning.

Looking down into the water reservoir of a B60 brewer keurig_water_filter_installed

And that is it. All you need to do now is refill the water reservoir. Do keep in mind its a good idea to always keep the water filter covered with water, don’t let is dry out once you have installed it.