Where Have We Been?

Photo of a minion

The last month or so has been a rather hectic time with some big issues coming up in our personal lives and so we have not been able to spend any time on the site. Which has meant unfortunately questions from our readers going unanswered. If you have written to us recently we do apologize for not getting back to you and we hope you understand.

If you are still having problems with your brewer please write to us again and we’ll get back to you … promise!

All going well we should be back to regular replies to readers’ questions and updating of the website. In particular we would like to get back to daily replies to emails and creating new material for the 2.0 brewer problems. We see from the emails over the last few months we are receiving more questions about the new brewers. And the biggest issue appears to be problems with the screen. We just replied to Elliott regarding the screen going blank and back in July we heard from John and problems he was having with the touch screen function on his 2.0 machine.

The 2.0 brewer all fixed and ready to brew

So we’ll be releasing a new repair guide for the 2.0 screen and how to easily replace it with a new one, which should solve most of the issues we hear about.

Over the last few months we have tried some advertising with Facebook and found this a good method of engaging with new readers who haven’t come across our site from say a Google search or a forum post. It’s hard to say at the moment how successful this advertising has been. We plan to sit down at the end of August when we have a few months of data to see whether we will carry on with this.

Image of google and adwords

We had looked at advertising with Google through their AdWords program. They often send out special offers with say a $75 credit with a $25 spend. We had this all setup and the ads produced but then they didn’t approve them as they contained the trademarked name Keurig. We tried coming up with an ad that didn’t include this word but it became pointless as our website is here to address those specific brewer problems. The trademark issue around Keurig has caught us up on problems before and was the reason we had to change the website’s name.

So we have stuck with Facebook for the moment and we’ll see how this pans out.

Other than some new material for 2.0 brewers and keeping up with email replies we don’t have much more planned for the site for the rest of the year. The traffic has remained quite steady over the last few months with a regular flow of visitors each day and it’s been pleasing to see a relatively low bounce rate.

Image representing bounce rates for websites

We look forward to hearing from our readers and if you have any feedback or questions please let us know … always love hearing from you.

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